Is Dependency Injection Into a Custom Exception a Good Idea?
Investigating whether dependency injection into a custom Exception class a good idea.
Investigating whether dependency injection into a custom Exception class a good idea.
Running an Azure Functions project but start getting Ambiguous match found error? Let’s take a look at what could be the issue.
Having an issue with submitting scaffolded razor pages on localhost?
Getting an error on the command line when using the Azure Functions tools to create new C# functions. Let’s see how to get around this.
Looking to get started with using the Twitter APIs but unsure how to get started? In this post we look at using the SocialOpinion API nuget package to make accessing Twitter from code easier.
Recieved some feedback from the previous blog post about Target Typed New Expressions and it made me think.
Initial thoughts about target typed new expressions in C#9. Are they good? Are they bad? Does “it depend” on the scenario? Let’s take a look.
Looking at using HttpClient Interception library to setup and create a HttpClient instance to allow for testing strongly typed client classes.
New overrides coming for commonly used linq extension methods, will you be using them?
Setting up matches with HttpClient Interception library is one thing, but configuring the data it can return is another. In this post we take a look at the functionality around setting up the content payload to return.