Has this week been the most “normal” so far since lockdown? I think it has. Although I think that is partially due to the fact I think the definition or the benchmark of “normal” has moved and I’m judging my days in a different way.
Not that I think I was ever “normal” or that there even is a thing as “normal” but whatever definition of “normal” you use, it has very much changed and changed forever. When we come out of this on the other side there will be a lot of differences. People will have adapted to many different chanllenges. More remote workers even though others have returned to the office. Some companies might not even return to the office and go full time remote. There are companies who did it before the lockdown and I’d imagine there will be a lot more after.
I’ve felt more relaxed this week. I’ve felt more happy. I’ve felt less stressed this week. Still no exercise due to my shin and ankle aching but at least it’s not painful now. I can navigate stairs and walk around the block at near normal speed. This is all improvement and all positives I need to keep remembering.
Had a productive week as well. Happy with that!
Weekend was good. Most “normal” weekend I’ve had in a long time. I think my tweet from yesterday sums it up quite well.
“Had a “normal” weekend. Did some diy/gardening to fix the garden fench yesterday and a couple of beers. Cooked roast dinner today for the family and a nice walk before getting the kids into bed. Some “normal” is still there in between the “madness”. Keep safe everyone!”
(original link: https://x.com/WestDiscGolf/status/1262087668537733123)
Here’s to another “normal” week!
Stay home, keep safe.